BAAL TEASIG Conference
Northampton 2018
"Innovations in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) assessment."
A one-day conference held at Park Campus, University of Northampton on Friday 31 March 2017
Invited speakers
Daniel Waller (University of Central Lancashire)
Diane Schmitt (Nottingham Trent University)
Measuring the Effectiveness of EAP: What’s in our Toolkit? (slides available)
Jocelyn Wyburd & Karen Ottewell (University of Cambridge)
Encouraging better preparation: a new Test of Academic Literacy for entry onto postgraduate EMI course
Richard Spiby (British Council)
Sophia Skoufaki (University of Essex) & Bojana Petric (University of London)
An examination of British students’ knowledge of polysemous academic English vocabulary
Elizabeth Allen (University of Bristol)
Maxine Gillway (University of Bristol)
The evolution of EAP assessment tasks towards critical application of learning and sustainable feedback
Poster presentations
Ebtesam Abdulhaleem (University of Warwick)
Lizbeth Morales Berlanga (University of Southampton)
Long-term strategies? Test-taker reading behaviour in a university foundation programme
Helen Grinsell & Clare Albans (University of Newcastle)
"Making it Real”: innovation in Year 1 EAP speaking assessment (poster available)
Chris Smith (University of Sheffield)
Listening-into-speaking seminars: design, implementation, problems and solutions (poster available)
Qian Zhang (University of Northampton)
Propose a framework for EAP programme evaluation
Full programme
Full programme available here.